Saturday, September 24, 2011

How I'm Staying Sane

Two presentations and an exam this week. Two exams the following week. Don't forget work. At both jobs. Oh ya and go to class. And actually pay attention. Throw in a student counsel meeting and a club meeting here and there, and you get junior year. Every night my roommate and I come back to our cozy apartment and pass out in front of an episode of the Office or Grey's (such great season openers for both!). Junior year is the ultimate mental-stability test, and so far I'm passing. Yes it's crazy. My colorful Google Calendar is evidence of it. Yet somehow I'm completely in love with this year so far. About 80% of my happiness is due to that I'm finally doing work that I love and am passionate about. The other 10% is thanks to a bunch of randomness, which I've listed below. Hopefully some of these things can help keep you sane too!

The other 10%:

1. My Coffee Press
Greatest invention. No worries about burnt coffee or remembering to set the timer. You just simply pour in boiling water and a tablespoon or so of ground coffee beans, and you have a perfectly rich, full-bodied cup of coffee ready in 5 minutes. Coffee + Almond Milk + Dark Chocolate Syrup = My survival strategy for this semester.

2. Vera Bradley Mugs my roommate and I got at Good Will for 99 cents a piece
No cup of coffee or tea is complete without the perfect mug to drink it out of.

3. Veggie Galaxy and LifeAlive
Two AWESOME all-vegetarian restaurants in Central Square. It’s a very good thing I don’t go to MIT because all my money would be blown on vegan chocolate cakes; warm, flavorful bowls of nutritious amazingness, and make your own veggie burgers with the most amazing sun-dried tomato spread and bacon tempeh (sounds odd but trust me it’s delicious). Look for my reviews of both places complete with mouth-watering pictures soon!!

4. City and Colour’s Bring Me Your Love and Little Hell albums
Check out both of these albums. I’ve listened to at least one track everyday since August. New obsession.

5. Pearl Jam’s Just Breathe and Last Kiss
I started every day this week with either one of these songs. Pretty sure I had Last Kiss on repeat all day yesterday. Love Eddie Vedder.

Guiltless is a truly amazing blog by Elizabeth Jarrad and Stephanie Horton. The purpose of the blog is for people to share their stories about their relationships with food and what they love about themselves and their bodies. This blog is so wonderfully positive and the posts give you that glow inside that can only come from realizing how truly beautiful you are. PLEASE check them out!

7. My version of Peanut Butter Puffins
Yes you can go to the store and buy a big box of peanut butter puffins and they will be delicious. OR you can go my route and get not only the flavor of peanut butter, but the creamy texture as well. Pour a bowl of original puffins in a bowl then add a small amount of almond milk (I use the original flavor, the unsweetened just doesn’t do it for me). For the final touch, I add a small spoon-full of natural peanut butter.

8. My new “Floor” playlist
Every night before going to bed I put on this playlist and do yoga in the living room. Phil Collins, Sia,and Band of Horses are just a few of the essentials to wind down.

Stay Sane!


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