Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Because Music Makes Everything Better

Random picture found thanks to StumbleUpon. Doesn't it just make everything instantly better?

Tuesdays are my hell days. Class from 9:30am until 8pm. Lots of coffee, instant breakfast banana smoothies, and tupperware. While running around gets exaustings, I love that it gives me time to really listen to music. It also means that I'm constantly looking for perfect walking music. This past weekend I stumbled upon Matthew and the Atlas. I'd seen them mentioned on a music blog, but had never taken the time to just sit and listen to their stuff, which I'm finding out is fantastic!
 "I Followed Fires" 

Recently being called the next Mumford and Sons, London-based Matthew and the Atlas are starting to make waves over here in the US. Keep and eye out for this band, I won't be surprised if the radio starts playing their stuff within the next year.

"I will remain"



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