I think the best way to summarize myself is a cow-obsessed, beach-loving, secret hippie who's life is about food. That pretty much covers it. I've been playing in the sand since I could walk and probably before that. Growing up in the suburbs of Boston has given me a love of the ocean that will always be a part of me. When I'm not listening to the waves I prefer to be in the kitchen, the library, or behind the lens of my camera. Cooking, reading, and photography are my passions and I think you'll see that come through in my posts with 187 pictures of what I've been eating, or my review of the book I'm reading. I believe in eating healthy, whole foods not just because they make your body work at its best but because they make you feel good. And that's what life is about right? Living it to the fullest. I consider myself mostly a vegetarian, although I enjoy the occasional piece of fish or poultry, so don't expect any cheeseburger recipes here. But you should expect lots of delicious, nutritious recipes and restaurant reviews.
How could I forget to mention music? I'm a former high school band geek who can't go 2 minutes without listening to something. Music has always been a major part of me, and just like the ocean, it will never leave.
About Kelli:
My ultimate love is food. Although technically a pescetarian (fish being the only kind of “meat” I eat), I tend to eat a non-dairy vegetarian diet 97% of the time. Eating is a lifestyle that is individual to every person. My eating habits are perfect for me, they make me happy, but I would never say they are what everyone else should be eating. I’ll be posting a lot of vegetarian and vegan recipes as well as vegan-friendly restaurants in Boston, so get excited! I also have a love for indie/folk music, so I apologize in advance for anyone who isn’t a fan – hopefully I can convert you!