Sunday, October 16, 2011

Sunday Paper 10/16 - Don't Forget the Food

We all need food right? Try to remember that as you're reaching for the vegan raw gluten-free all natural low glycemic protein bar that is so processed it doesn't resemble any food anymore. This is Manuel Villacorta's general feeling in his article The Truth About Trendy Health Food.

Just because something is "gluten free" "soy free" "dairy free" or "vegan" doesn't necessarily mean that it's healthy, or un-healthy. It just depends on what your needs are. Many people have been buying into the idea that gluten free diets are healthy..when they're not necessary. If you have Celiac disease then go for it..but if there's no reason to cut gluten out of your diet..why do it? Try to put everything in context. 

We need to reconnect with our kitchens. I know that everyone wants a quick fix..something they can just grab and go because we're all so busy but sometimes home made food can be just as quick. And it's nutritious :) So get back in the kitchen and start cooking for the week. If you never have time to make a lunch in the morning to take to work, or no energy to make dinner when you get home then your freezer and fridge will be your best friends. Make big batches of food over the weekend and freeze some for 
later in the week. Then you can come home to dinner already made and finally be able to relax. 

Everyone gets caught up in food trends, it's hard not to, but next time you find yourself rushing out to buy the latest thing take a step back and ask yourself if you really need it. 



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