Thursday, September 29, 2011

Food Quotes

So I love reading quotes. Some people are so inspiring..others are just hilarious and I love things that make you think. I've been looking at food quotes recently and I found a few that I want to share! 

It's bizarre that the produce manager is more important to my children's health than the pediatrician.  ~Meryl Streep
I love this..most people don't think about it but diet is such an important part of overall health. America is getting so caught up in "a pill for every ill" that no one stops to think that a well balanced diet can prevent so many conditions. 

Food is an important part of a balanced diet.  ~Fran Lebowitz, Metropolitan Life, "Food for Thought and Vice Versa"
This is another one that I feel rings true with how people are eating today. Processed cheese product? What does that even mean? Can't I just eat cheese? So many "foods" are made of all these crazy chemicals that no one can even pronounce. Why would you want to put that in your body? When I'm food shopping I like to use Michael Pollan's rules of, buy it if it has less than 5 ingredients and the ingredients have less than 3 syllables. Perfect. 

If God had intended us to follow recipes,
He wouldn't have given us grandmothers.
~Linda Henley

This is just cute :)


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